VoluMIUI 6.0

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Application, Tools

The description of VoluMIUI

VoluMIUI allows users to disable the default popup to change volumes on the top of the screen in favor of a side popup with MIUI style.

- Swipe to Show (with a beautiful animation) or enable Accessibility Service to show slider using Volume Keys;
- Set Volume Sliders Order (up to 6 sliders: Music, Alarm, Ring, Voice Call, Notifications and System);
- Countdown mode for Do not Diturb (long click DND when is enabled);
- Animations Speed;
- Customize position bewteen 6 choices.
- Start after boot without open the app.
- Lockscren mode.
- Blacklist to don't show VoluMIUI in certain apps.
- Set background and Accent colors choosing between MANY colors.

VoluMIUI uses the minimal possible Accessibility Service configuration to listen to volume keys to launch the side popup and does not observe any user action or text that they type; however this privilege is mandatory for all accessibility services, but VoluMIUI disregards any events the system does send, except for those mentioned that anyway are not recorded.

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To report bugs, send suggestions or ask refund, contact @AleCotBot 🤖
For any other info contact me @AleCot18 👨🏻‍💻
Bugs list http://alecot.altervista.org/bugs.php 🐛
Suggestions list http://alecot.altervista.org/suggestions.php 💡

If you don't see your bug/suggestion in this list, contact me!

What's news

VoluMIUI 6.0 is here!

A completely new UI, fresh and easy to use;
New features: Side & Position (replaces the actual Position chooser - only 6 choices);
Light & Dark Themes - two themes to edit, for daily and night use;
Start button moved to the Action Bar;
Italian translation;
Bug fixes & improvements.

Download VoluMIUI for Android

Download apk - 5 MB

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