AmoledWalls Pro – Wallpaper [S 2.4.3

AmoledWalls Pro Wallpaper

The description of AmoledWalls Pro - Wallpaper [S10 hole punch Walls]

Browse through stunning collection of Amoled Wallpaper that can change the way your Android screen looks. Black, quirky, colorful designs: custom made and hand picked.

Follow me on twitter for all the news and updates.

For prevent piracy you have to wait for 3 hours before able to download any wallpaper after purchasing the app.

馃彺 2500+ vector wallpapers as of now.

馃敻 All the wallpapers are 1440*2560
馃敻 Wallpaper categories.
馃敻 All the wallpapers are cloud based.
馃敻 You can save directly to your device.
馃敻 License Checker.
馃敻 Push Notification.
馃敻 Muzei Support.
馃敻 Material Design Dashboard.
馃敻 Mark wallpapers as favorites.

You can follow my wallpaper community to get updated about upcoming wallpaper collections and request if you have certain wallpaper demand.

Special thanks to JAHIR for his wonderful DashBoard
Special thanks to AKASH for his wonderful HomeScreens

Categories: More than 15 categories to choose from.

What's news

Fixed incorrect wallpaper details showing.
Updated dependencies.
Other minor fixes and improvements.
Hope for the best.

Download AmoledWalls Pro - Wallpaper [S10 hole punch Walls] for Android

Download apk - 4 MB

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