Berlin Scooter 1.3.2 Apk for Android

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Adventure, Game

The description of Berlin Scooter


Ping and his little dog Mika are visiting the city of Berlin for the first time. Suddenly Kong the crazy ape who escaped from a nearby filmset is kidnapping Mika. Kong also tries to rob the Nofretete, one of the most famous samples of the city museum. Ping the Penguin jumps on his superfast scooter and a wild chase throughout the city begins.


*) Cute character animations by the Berlin based comic artist Mic Lololand. The cheeky dog. Kong, the crazy ape. Ping , the little penguin.

*) 15 individual game levels. All with their own little story and challenges. Many different vehicles to ride. The scooter, the balloon, the digger, the cleaning car, the rubber boat, the metro.

*) You move around Berlin and see all the monuments. You will construct the new airport, you will skate on the Berlin wall, you will visit the famous museum island.

What's news

Autosave of accomplished waypoints. The first 5 levels are less difficult now.

Download Berlin Scooter for Android

Download apk - 50 MB
Download mp4 - 33 MB

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