Gif Live Wallpapers : Animated Live Wallpapers 1.8

Gif Live Wallpapers

The description of Gif Live Wallpapers : Animated Live Wallpapers

Gif Live Wallpaper app have around 300+ best gif live wallpapers with 12+ categories, All of the gifs are cinemagraphs gifs, its makes your screen more cool and beautiful.

With in build Gif collection, Gif Live wallpaper app allows you to add your own personal Gifs from your phone, you can select and add the gifs files from your gallery or sd card.

Gif live wallpaper lets you display animated GIF images in the background of your home screen.

✔ Consumes very little power and CPU, its stops gif animation when screen is locked.

✔ All Android devices are supported that can use live wallpapers

✔ All GIF files - including very large ones - are supported!

✔ You can add your personal multiple GIF files at once.

✔ Cool Ui with Dark and light theme options

✔ Eye catching Collection Previews of Gifs like playstore UI, with option to arrange layout horizontally or vertically.

✔ Preview Gifs are shrinks to maximum level to load all thumbnails quicker as possible.

If you are experiencing any issues, please write me an e-mail at [email protected]


✔ "Internet" To show the thumbnail preview and then to download the full image.

✔ "Phone Media and storage - Modify/delete SD card contents" -- To save the downloaded gifs and also for the opton to add your own personal gifs.

You can choose any GIF image file to set as your phone Live Wallpaper.

This app is made to be simple and easy to operate.

Please visit for more details
If you like the app, don't forget rate 5 star ★★★★★ or review app on playstore.

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Download Gif Live Wallpapers : Animated Live Wallpapers for Android

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