فانوس ، حسابداری شخصی و مشاوره بورس | Fanoos PFM 4.2.5

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The description of فانوس ، حسابداری شخصی و مشاوره بورس | Fanoos PFM

You have a better financial situation with Fanoos ...

Lantern automatically records your expenses and income for free, manages them intelligently, and finally gives you economic offers.

Fanoos Personal Accounting gives you interesting and practical reports. For example, how much did you pay for gasoline last month or how much did you spend in the cafe?

Lantern Financial Management compares your expenses with other people and tells you how much or less you spent or saved.

You can define a budget ceiling for your expenses in the lantern so that when you approach this ceiling, a budget expiration alert will be sent to you.

Lantern shows you the current value of your foreign exchange, gold and stock market assets and its changes

Fanoos Personal Accounting helps you in buying and managing stocks by analyzing the stock market for free.

You can see all the up-to-date information on the country's bank loans in the Fanoos application.

Lantern Stock Exchange Valuation Service: 360 degree analysis of shares gives you in just a few seconds! With the help of this service, you can identify profitable and unprofitable stocks. It also facilitates investment by scoring indicators: technical, fundamental, risk, pricing, liquidity and equity!

Fanoos Stock Exchange Personal Portfolio Investment Service: A dedicated consultant for buying stocks on the stock exchange, who introduces stocks according to each person's expectations!

This service can be understood and used by everyone (even those who have no scholarship knowledge).
In addition to the introduction, 360 degree analysis also gives you the introduced shares!

Fanoos is owned by Farda Electronic Communication Company in cooperation with Amin Innovation Company and Finotech, which has successful experiences in providing financial and banking services.


Important features of Fanoos personal accounting application:

- Automatic recording of expenses and income by reading bank text messages
- Assistance in personal accounting, investing and stock management
- Reminders of checks, installments, debts and claims
- Ability to budget expenses for monthly planning
- Compare financial habits with other users
- Ability to record and view the current value of assets (currency, stocks, coins, gold, bank accounts, etc.)
- Automatic backup and receive Excel output
- Provide unique economic proposals
- Ability to add categories and personal tags and report from them
- Security of financial information and the need to define a password
- 360 degree evaluation service of stock exchanges
- Personal investment portfolio offer service
- Free analysis of stock exchange
- View all transactions and account balances for free

Instagram: @fanoospfm
[email protected]
Support: 02142719295

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