CarX Rally 27202 مهكرة + اليانات
The description of CarX Rally
Download CarX Rally for free to take a chance to become a legend of rally racing. Take your favorite car anywhere you want and enjoy going off-road.
What to expect? Go from point A to point B but don’t miss any check points on the way. You’ve got to be brave enough to get to the end of the race.
Comes with this game:
- True-to-life physics of a rally racing car. Choose whether you’d like to drift or get a full grip
- Championships. 35 tournaments for regular or muscle cars
- A wide variety of cars to pick from which caters to every driver’s taste
- Tune your vehicle as you wish
How to install CarX Rally OBB
- قم تثبيت ملف APK الذي ت تنزيله
- اسخراج ونسخ لد "com.carxtech.rally" إل "Android/Obb/"
- ابدأ اطبي واستمتع
What's news
Added new car HOIVA URBAN
Added display of time intervals in the race
New cars added to daily challenges
Reworked logic for the "Return to Track" button
Fixed steering wheel animation
General bug fixes