DefleMask Mobile 1.1.4

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Application, Music Editor

The description of DefleMask

DefleMask is a popular cross-platform chiptune tracker, now available for mobile devices, for producing music for many soundchips and old school game-consoles and computers.
Every sound that this tracker produces is from pure register writes to the soundchips being emulated, and those sounds can be exported to the real hardware!

You can connect your MIDI devices!
Share your songs and instruments by a simple touch.

Create music for video games now!

What's news

* Vertical (portrait) UI support.
* Better oscilloscopes view.
* Added a d-pad on the extra pages of the floating toolbox on touch.
* Fixed triangle and saw wavetables generators.
* Added an effect for controlling AM/PM depth on YM2151 (effect 1E)
* Fixed operators mute state on FM when song loops.
* Fixed tuning on Neo Geo.
* Fixed various loop issues in exported vgm files.
* Fixed move up/down arpeggio macro buttons on touch ui mode.
* Reduced PCEngine CPU use.
* And more!

Download DefleMask for Android

Download apk - 15 MB

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