Graphix – color palette of pic 2.0.2

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Application, Tools

The description of Graphix - color palette of pictures & wallpapers

Graphix is a simple but powerful tool which lets you scan your pictures for its promeninent colors. With its intuitive and modern UI everything is as simple as a single touch of a button.

You can create palettes by scanning entire images or cropping regions of it.

These generated palettes can be shared with your friends and saved allowing you to revisit them again anytime in the future.
It's also optimized for the extra display space on tablets and works great with multi-window!

Graphix is the best and most complete tool to find which colors your pictures are made of and can be extremelly useful for any graphical design project, to craft those substratum themes and turn your home screen screen as personalized as possible.

This has direct integration with my gallery app, Focus Go
With both installed you can directly generate a color palette without having to open Graphice.

What's news

1. Long press swatches from saved palettes to copy the color to the clipboard;
2. New action to open the camera directly to get a shot for palette generation;

1. Bigger thumbnails on the grid to make it easier to choose the picture you want;
2. Improved experience when choosing the color swatches for your palette;
3. Show a preview on the chooser when sharing;
4. Added a tip to "drag & drop" swatches before saving;

Please write a review on the Play Store 馃檪

Download Graphix - color palette of pictures & wallpapers for Android

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