Sky Light Pro 2.7

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The description of Sky Light Pro

To help plan outdoor activities like hiking, hunting, fishing, and photography, this app shows the current locations of the sun and moon in the sky. A time slider allows you to animate the sun and moon to see where they will be at any hour of the day.

The app also allows you to compute the positions of the sun and moon and their rise and set times for any location and for any date, as well as the nautical twilight times and the moon's illumination. If you know the RA and Dec of stars or planets, you can also enter these to find where they currently are in the sky.

In addition, you can also choose to generate a forecast table of the sun or moon rise/set times and illumination for a given range of dates.

A compass page is also included to help orient your phone to find the current position of the moon. (The compass page requires that your phone has a magnetic field sensor).

What's news

2.7: Updated to target Android SDK 33.
2.6: Updated to target Android SDK 31.
2.5: Fixed bug with sun rise and set times near international dateline.
2.4: Added a "Get current location" button on the forecast selection page. Added a menu option to the calculator page to bring up the compass.
2.3: Refresh lat/lon and UTC offset on main page of app when resumed.
2.2: Updated to target Android SDK 30.
2.0: Fixed issue where app crashes if phone held side ways at start up.

Download Sky Light Pro for Android

Download apk - 2 MB


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